Shenzhen litchi Park
Litchi Park, which is famous for its luxuriant Litchi trees, thrived bushes, verdant grass and peaceful environment, is regarded as a green pearl in the downtown of Shenzhen.
As litchis get mellow in the early summer, the park is garnished with green leaves and heavy fruits, which look like red clouds wafting here and there. The red litchi fruits are so fresh and attractive that make people’s mouth water.
Litchi Park is mainly landscaped with plants. The white plum trees stand quietly in the park. The deep-rooted rubber plants rise from the ground with its long tree beard dropping down the ground. Embracing the gentle breeze, the king palms erect straightly. All these together draw a beautiful southern scenery picture. There is a small stone path of more than 200 meters, beside which are thousands of bamboo plants swaying as the breeze breathes. The weeping willows beside the lake are just like the graceful southern damsels. With its green world and beautiful scenery, the Litchi Park is full of vitality and life, which makes people pleasant and intoxicated.
全园占地面积28.8公顷,其中湖、塘、池等水面占11公顷;可供漫步畅游的石径小道6363米;建有亭、台、楼、阁、水榭、小桥流水、花廊竹径、古树名木、奇石怪桩等二十多处游览景点。每逢周末,英语角、自发的民间团体、个人文艺演出等让人们参与其中,使这里成为文化交流的好场所,也成为中心区域又一休闲的好去处。走出公园不远,在深南路上还可以看到邓爷爷的画像,让外地游人不虚此行。8468棵乔木、45218棵灌木掩映成趣;300多棵高高的槟榔树相间而立;成片白梅俏俏而生;盘根错节、眉须垂地的橡胶榕拔地而起;一大片大王榔迎风耸立,谱写出一派大好的南国风情。 一条200多米小石径的两旁载种着上千株翠竹,随风飘曳;湖边垂柳,犹如江南少女,婀娜多姿。放眼园中,一片葱绿,生机盎然,怡人醉人!当初夏将临,荔枝成熟时节,全园绿荫丛中,硕果累累,到处飘荡着片片红云,果鲜色红,让人垂涎欲滴,实在惹人喜爱。